I love bohemian style´s, gardening, creating art, painting, making jewelry, fashion, my dog, my life, the beach and much more
sexta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2011
The other day I went shopping and found these beautiful butterfly earrings. I just love butterfly´s and was so happy to find these pairs. Do you like them? The blue ones are for you to win! What do you have to do?
1-follow me on my blog
2-follow me on Bloglovin here
3-like this post on Bloglovin here
4-leave your comment here with your email
This contest ends midnight 15th of January 2012.
The winner will get an email from me.
Good luck and have fun! Ah! And a happy new year!!!
terça-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2011
I enjoyed so much making my christmas post cards that I continued making these funny photo-copy art works. Painted with acrylic paint and gold paint, colored with pencil and sticked on some glitter.
You can invent what ever you want and it will always look great!
Skirt-Vero Moda by Nelly
Bra-American Apparel
Leggings-Versace for H&M
Boots-Chiruca (from my boyfriend hi hi hi)
Yesterday I received my new skirt from Nelly. It was supposed to be my christmas skirt, but it didn´t arrive on time...hhhmmm maybe I´ll use it for new years party. The hat I´m wearing is the hat I talked about in a post before, I just love it! A real floppy hippie hat, I´ve always wanted one!
domingo, 25 de dezembro de 2011
It started with such a cosy feeling...
Our Christmas tree full of presents.
My very happy love.
Our oven where we made the stuffed turkey and orange duck...yum yum!
My dear friend Julia in her very funny Christmas outfit, she looked great!
My parents, me and my love.
Standing next to one of the famous MADEROS.
Christmas was a lot of fun this year. My parents came, my love´s family came and all of my friends who couldn´t be with there family, came to my house and we had the greatest christmas dinner. Everybody helped and all together we prepared a roasted stuffed turkey, roasted orange duck, jacked potatos, salad, shrimps, cakes...oooooohhh it was to much! But delicious!
After dinner we went to visit the famous Maderos, these are big fires in front of each church spread all over the village. At each fire we make a little stop and have a drink, looking to the big fire. It is really great to be part of this traditional happening. This year was a really great christmas and I´m very happy!
Our Christmas tree full of presents.
My very happy love.
Our oven where we made the stuffed turkey and orange duck...yum yum!
My dear friend Julia in her very funny Christmas outfit, she looked great!
My parents, me and my love.
Standing next to one of the famous MADEROS.
Christmas was a lot of fun this year. My parents came, my love´s family came and all of my friends who couldn´t be with there family, came to my house and we had the greatest christmas dinner. Everybody helped and all together we prepared a roasted stuffed turkey, roasted orange duck, jacked potatos, salad, shrimps, cakes...oooooohhh it was to much! But delicious!
After dinner we went to visit the famous Maderos, these are big fires in front of each church spread all over the village. At each fire we make a little stop and have a drink, looking to the big fire. It is really great to be part of this traditional happening. This year was a really great christmas and I´m very happy!
What do you think? Should I make this and sell it in my shop? Would you be interested to buy this kind of paper?
I´m very curious what other people think about it. It was a lot of fun to do and the people who received my packages found it just lovely!
quarta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2011
Yesterday and today I was busy making some illustrations for a kind of a book I made. This book is a bundle from all the emails I got from my stephmother, from her and her boyfriends world trip. They were travelling around for half a year and every month she would write me and tell me something about there adventures.
I liked it so much that I thought it would been nice to get all the mails together, print them and make little illustrations together with each story. So I did! And as a suprise christmas present I did send it today by post to my stephmother. I just hope she gets it on time and I hope she won´t read my blog for a while...ha ha ha...or else she discovers what she is getting.
I liked it so much that I thought it would been nice to get all the mails together, print them and make little illustrations together with each story. So I did! And as a suprise christmas present I did send it today by post to my stephmother. I just hope she gets it on time and I hope she won´t read my blog for a while...ha ha ha...or else she discovers what she is getting.
Today I´m happy to announce the winner from my dreamcatcher necklace giveaway. Not so many people participated, but that means the ones who participated had more chances to win! I enjoyed it a lot and thank you all who did participate and who follow me now. I hope you enjoy my blog and I´m always happy to receive your comments.
The lucky winner is Maya from Novel Globe. Hope you will enjoy a lot my handmade (with love) dreamcatcher necklace. I will send you an email for you to send me your adress.
The lucky winner is Maya from Novel Globe. Hope you will enjoy a lot my handmade (with love) dreamcatcher necklace. I will send you an email for you to send me your adress.
terça-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2011
This giveaway is now finished!!!
Today untill midnight it will be the last day to enter my GIVEAWAY! So be quick and get a chance to win that lovely handmade (by me) dreamcatcher necklace! Enter here and cross your fingers to be that lucky winner!
Today untill midnight it will be the last day to enter my GIVEAWAY! So be quick and get a chance to win that lovely handmade (by me) dreamcatcher necklace! Enter here and cross your fingers to be that lucky winner!
domingo, 18 de dezembro de 2011

One of my readers (Maya) has made a great post on her blog about clothing from around the world. Come and see at Novel Globe
Two really cool bodysuits, two very confy bra´s and one comfy triangle top from American Apparel.
Here I´m wearing American Apparel bodysuit, vintage silk skirt, vintage sabrina from Stradivarius, Versage for H&M ring.
Friday I received my order from American Apparel. But I got a little upset, because...it took me a long time to choose the things I wanted to get the over 100€ free shipping and free gift. But...then I got a mail, telling me they didn´t have all the things I wanted and they send me the bill, there where I had to pay for the free gift and the shipping because the order wasn´t over 100€ anymore!
I got a bit angry and told them to cancel the whole order! I got a mail back, telling me I wouldn´t be paiying the shipping, neither the free gift. So friday I got the package, missing some things that they will be sending me later, but still didn´t get the whole discount, still payed more then half of what the discount would of been.
Now what I hope, is that when they send me the rest of the order, is that they will take of the rest of the discount, or else it ain´t very fair!
Because you do your shopping, thinking that you get your discount and your free gift, but in the end you still pay because of there error! So I tell you, be carefull when you do online shopping, thinking you will get your discount, because with tricks like this they will always get there money.
Psssssstttt! Don´t forget to enter my GIVEAWAY!!! It is almost finishing!
American Apparel,
Versage for H and M,
vintage silk skirt
sexta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2011
quinta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2011
Busy Busy Christmas Preparing
Yesterday I started to make my own packing paper. I saw this idea on a blog, but unfortunelly I can´t remember where I saw this (if the person, who has this blog I´m talking about, reads this message, please comment on this post for me to get back to your blog).
So I started to cut out a simple design out of a linoleum plaque, then I passed paint on top of it with a sponge and pressed it to the brown packaging paper, took it of and voilá, a nice colorfull print on simple paper (as you can see on the picture on top of this message). I´ve been working on this several hours and couldn´t stop untill having the whole paper printed late at night.
Today I had a crazy idea and made some funny christmas post cards (see pictures 1, 2, 3). I printed my picture (from yesterday´s post) on colored paper, cut it, paint it with colorfull pencils, put on some glitter, put on top of the whole post card transparent sticky paper, write christmas greetings on the other side and voilá, there you´ve got a personal christmas card.
I was busy today! But it was a lot of fun and people will have a good laugh looking at my crazy face.
Ah! And don´t forget to enter my GIVEAWAY!!!
I´m giving to one of my readers a beautifull dreamcatcher necklace that I´ve made.
christmas postcards,
packaging paper,
quarta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2011
Yesterday I received my very own KAN DEE top in the post. I was very ecxited, because I wanted one for a long time. This one with the feathers and another (that I will buy later for sure) wich says: FIGHTING FOR PEACE IS LIKE FUCKING FOR VIRGINITY are my favourite tees. The artist who makes them seems like such a cool girl, she´s lucky to be a good artist and to do what she likes. I really respect her! Thank you so much KAN DEE for existing and make a girl happy!
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