I love bohemian style´s, gardening, creating art, painting, making jewelry, fashion, my dog, my life, the beach and much more
sexta-feira, 22 de março de 2013
quinta-feira, 21 de março de 2013
Inside the Rainbow Gathering, photos are not aloud, but photografer Benoit Paille got an exclusive permission to take some beautiful pictures of the beautiful rainbow warriors.
The Rainbow Gathering is a gathering of people who come together in peace and love, who meditate for a better world without war, violence, consumerism, pollution...
On these gatherings you can feel tottaly free, walk around naked, help each other, care for each other, love each other (with no sexual meanings), sing, make music, give and do workshops with absolutely no money included. Money is only aloud to put inside of the magic hat, wich is used to buy food for the whole gathering or to organize the next gathering.
These gatherings are always celebrated on the most beautiful natural places, next to rivers or lakes and are celebrated from new moon to new moon, so the full moon celebration is the highest point of the whole celebration and is when there are the most people on the gathering.

terça-feira, 19 de março de 2013
segunda-feira, 18 de março de 2013
Today I got a little package in the post from my best friend Julia who´s in Germany at the moment and look what I got!
I had a fairy earring like this before, but I lost it and my friend knew I really loved this earring, so she suprised me!
Aren´t they sweet!?
The 21st century gypsies are people who have chosen to live by the road with horses or vans keeping the tradition alive of really travelling and not staying in one place.
This is a personal journey with new age modern travellers.
Me myself know many of these people who live in vans or busses. My ex-boyfriend himself has a big Bedford bus and we used to travel around looking for a job in foreign country´s. He still has his Bedford and continues to live in it.
I just have my little Renault Traffic van and I live in a house, but I love to grab my van and travel around.
Especially in summer I can´t stay at home and I go from party to festival to beach to nature...
That´s just the way I am!
iain mckell,
new age travellers,
the new gypsies
sexta-feira, 15 de março de 2013
Would love to know how to make something gorgeous like this!
I´m a big crochet fan, but not as good to create something like this.
I´ve finnished my rainbow shawl and making another one with warm colors at the moment to be selling in my Etsy shop.
I really have to learn more about crochet to be creating great things like this beautiful cardigan!

quinta-feira, 14 de março de 2013
quarta-feira, 13 de março de 2013
Wauw! I´ve found this facebook page called Tricirculo, they sell the most cool things and it´s all so cheap!

This necklace is just gorgeous!

And these chunky sandals...

This ring I´ve been looking for for ages!
terça-feira, 12 de março de 2013
I was chekking out Pony Gold her blog and found something funny! She has a skull cactus just like me!
I once made a post about how to make a skull cactus, you can find it here. Now my cactus has grown and is much bigger then on the post about it.

I was looking at one of my favorite websites, Etsy, and found these oh so cute miniatures for doll houses.
When I was a small girl I lived in a big house in Amsterdam, my mother and her friends made me a doll house just like the house were we lived in, I still have got this doll house and I just love miniatures!

segunda-feira, 11 de março de 2013
domingo, 10 de março de 2013
Yooohooo! Tomorrow I will be purchasing these oh so cool biker boots from Dr. Martens. I had some new black Dr. Martens boots wich a friend gave to me but who were just a tiny bit to small.
Now I sold them for a good price and I´m gonna get these dream biker boots. I´m so excited!
biker boots,
dr martens,
dr martens diza boots
sábado, 9 de março de 2013
This picture is great! The big truck/bus, the architectal background and of course photos in black and white always look good.

black and white,
sexta-feira, 8 de março de 2013
quinta-feira, 7 de março de 2013
Today it´s my favorite jewelry designer Pamela Love´s her birthday, so that means she´s a Pisces just like me!
How cool is that!?
(I actually admire a lot of famous Pisces people, without knowing they are Pisces, but then when I discover it I´m so happy because I compare myself a bit with every one of them!)

Here´s Pamela Love wearring today on her birthday, a very cool gold fringe leather jacket from Jeremy Scott.
jeremy scott,
pamela love birthday,
I found this great origami artist on Etsy, and me as a big origami fan wanted to share these beautiful art works.
Just look at these beautiful and colorful flowers and decorations.

quarta-feira, 6 de março de 2013
This quilt is just so pretty! I love the rainbow color combination and the beautiful stichting.
terça-feira, 5 de março de 2013
domingo, 3 de março de 2013
sexta-feira, 1 de março de 2013
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