
terça-feira, 21 de maio de 2013


Hi my beautiful friends, here's a special energy healing infused picture that can support you anytime you'd like to receive a boost of extra high vibes.

Before viewing the picture, set your intention of what you'd like to create & experience more of in your life. Then, view the center point of the picture for about 20 seconds while expressing gratitude to the Universe for knowing that the intentio...
n you have set is already done.

Notice the blessings that begin to show up for you over the coming days & weeks ahead, and thank the Universe because through gratitude the Universe sends us more to be grateful for.

I'm so grateful to serve you in every way I can. As always, I love to hear your experiences.
Hi my beautiful friend, here's a special energy healing infused picture that can support you anytime you'd like to receive a boost of extra high vibes.

Before viewing the picture, set your intention of what you'd like to create & experience more of in your life. Then, view the center point of the picture for about 20 seconds while expressing gratitude to the Universe for knowing that the intentio...
n you have set is already done.

Notice the blessings that begin to show up for you over the coming days & weeks ahead, and thank the Universe because through gratitude the Universe sends us more to be grateful for.

I'm so grateful to serve you in every way I can. As always, I love to hear your experiences.
Found this interesting energy picture on Facebook

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