
quarta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2011


This is my sleeping working room. I love this place because the sun shines in so nicely :)

My Moleskines and diary´s My working table, here I paint, create, write, draw... My mother gave me this Steiff teddy bear when I made my second birthday

My friend Raquel made this, it is her and me going on our trip to India Messy garderobeSome of my necklaces I love this cupcakenecklace! It is so cute! And what about this cupcakewallet!I made this rainbowflowerpower shawl, it took me forever! This dress is so cute! My little messy working place

Birthday Party

I´m so excited! Today it is the 26st and in exactly one month I will be 27 years, so this is the last month for my 26st year.
And...my boyfriend and me are going to have a big B´day party! His birthday is on the 21st so we make a party for both of us.
Lots of friends are going to come, including my best friend from Switserland!
Uuuuhhhuuuu I can´t wait!

terça-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2011

Casa Monchique

Are you looking for a nice place to spend your holiday?
My parents created this beutiful place, on the most peacefull country side next to a little river and lots of nature!
Go and see there site here, you will enjoy it for sure!

sexta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2011

chek this out! to many shoes

You must see these shoe picture collection from my friend Sara. She is a starting shoe designer and gets her inspiration from many other shoe designers.
Keep on going the hard work Sara!

quinta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2011


Finally I have some nice new things in my shop, go and check it out!

New handycraft

I´m so excited, because I´m making some new jewelry to put here in my shop! The only problem is that I´ve got nobody to be my model for my lovely necklaces, I just have to invent something else to make some nice pictures.
Hope I will do it today, it is a lovely sunny day, so I can have some good light.

terça-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2011

sábado, 8 de janeiro de 2011

My last days in Switserland

Ain´t it a beutiful view?!
I realy like this picture, I look funny here!
RAUW! Look out for the aliens!

quarta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2011


The French Alps seen from Switserland I love this place, I starded to make a painting of it but it was so cold that I didn´t finish it. This was a stone shop and I just got crazy when I saw the enormous Cristals! Me and my best friend Andreia who invited me and payed my trip. Thank you sister, I love you! Purple cabbage. Switserland is just beutiful! But very cold! I´m not used to the cold! I´m having a lot of fun here and so happy to see my best friend Andreia, we missed each other very much but now we are enjoing this wonderfull time!

segunda-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2011

This lovely picture was taken by a friend of mine. He takes beutifull pictures on events or festivals. You can find him on Facebook: Abas Photos
This was me on Boom festival.

domingo, 2 de janeiro de 2011

Switserland, what a great place but also very could!

Me and my best friend Andreia went to the TimeGate reveillon trance party. It was so much fun, we had some good laughs, danced untill we dropped, and got a little bit to dronk with a bottle of Gin. It was great!!!
I even met my friend Joana from Portugal on the party, she was realy happy to see me.